Google Analytics Service

 Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Google analytics is a service offered by google for web tracking. It used to track website activity such as bounce rate of an individual visiting website, session duration and page per session. Google Analytics is the one best and most adopted tool by the users. It is free to use google doesn't charge anything for using. When we add the tracking code in the website google will automatically tracks and record our data in it. There are different type of traffic source organic traffic, direct traffic, social media traffic, ad traffic.
  • Organic Traffic : The number of visitors through organic search engine such as google, bing. These visitors are not from any paid source. 
  • Direct Traffic : Directly entering URL of the website and landing on the page this type of searching are known as direct traffic.
  • Social Media Traffic : Users visiting on our website from links on social media.
  • Ad Traffic : Visits gained through ads is ad traffic.
  • Referral Traffic : Visits gained through referral link from other sites.
If we want to set google analytic set up to track your website you need to sign to google analytics then we have to add an account name and leave the data sharing box ticked. After that choose the type of property to track the website. Then we have to add the details about the site. click Create and we can see some terms of service to agree to. Tick both of these and press Agree. Now we can see a unique tracking code. This code has to be installed on site for tracking for checking whether it works or not you have to login to Google Analytics and go to real time.

we have published a blog on Google Search Console 


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